No Drugs or Surgery
A Natural Path to Wellness
NeuroLightsOn offers a customized, holistic, hemispheric approach combining physical, sensory, and cognitive exercises along with nutraceuticals. This multi-modal process is rooted in research linking weak hemispheric connections to a range of issues and disorders. The program neither requires a medical diagnosis nor do I intend to clinically diagnose medical conditions.
What Is Functional Neurology & Neurodevelopmental Connectivity?
Functional Neurology & Neurodevelopmental Connectivity are a therapeutic paradigm for optimal functioning and recovery of symptomology for various neurological disorders. Functional Dysconnectivity or issues best suited for this treatment include: brain injury, concussions, degenerative disorders (such as dementia), movement disorders, vestibular challenges (i.e. balance and dizziness issues), dysautonomia (POTS), brain fog, mental imbalances (anxiety, depression, anger, etc.) learning disorders of all nature (including ADHD, Dyslexia, Autism, math & reading challenges, etc.) or any other neurological disease or disorder of unknown origin (typically something that traditional doctors have not been able to diagnose and treat successfully). Functional Neurology & Neurodevelopmental Connectivity do not include surgery or pharmaceutical solutions, but may employ some combination of nutraceuticals, vitamins, supplements, herbs, mindfulness, energetics, multi-modal therapies, and lifestyle changes along with naturopathic approaches.
Melillo Method™
This Melillo MethodTM informed model has found significant and repeated success, supported by peer reviewed research, in helping functionally reconnect brain patterns of both Children and Adults with: ADHD, Anxiety, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Behavioral Issues, Depression, Dyslexia, Learning Disorders, Mental Wellness, Processing Disorders, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Sleeping Issues, Struggling Kids. Other areas of proven benefit have included: attention to detail, defiance, distractibility and attention, focus, follow through with schoolwork, hyperactivity, impulsivity, mood and behavior, organization, reading recovery, sensory processing, task avoidance, and time management.

Analytic Thought
Left Brain Deficiency Symptoms:
- Academic issues
- Arrhythmia’s
- Bed-wetting
- Dopamine-lack of motivation-slow
- Depression
- Dyslexia
- Math troubles
- Melatonin deficient (sleep)
- Motion sickness
- Right-left awareness
- Verbal communication/Speech issues
- Weak immune system

Design Creative
Holistic Thought
Right Brain Deficiency Symptoms:
- Autism
- Anxiety
- Chronic pain
- Gross motor control
- High blood pressure
- Inflammation
- Involuntary movements
- Posture-reducing back pain
- Sensory
- Spatial awareness
- Tics

Analytic Thought
Left Brain Deficiency Symptoms:
- Academic issues
- Arrhythmia’s
- Bed-wetting
- Dopamine-lack of motivation-slow
- Depression
- Dyslexia
- Math troubles
- Melatonin deficient (sleep)
- Motion sickness
- Right-left awareness
- Verbal communication/Speech issues
- Weak immune system

Design Creative
Holistic Thought
Right Brain Deficiency Symptoms:
- Autism
- Anxiety
- Chronic pain
- Gross motor control
- High blood pressure
- Inflammation
- Involuntary movements
- Posture-reducing back pain
- Sensory
- Spatial awareness
- Tics
Primitive Reflex Integration Exercises

Tom F
The pain is gone in my hand and it feels almost completely normal. I canceled my surgery!
Patty M
It's a great day! 90% of my pain, gone. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! You're truly an angel! PS You are changing lives, 1 at a time.
Ann H
From 1 session I have noticed incredible changes in my neck, more flexibility in bending over and not feeling off balance or dizzy when standing up (after bending over). I also feel more grounded and connected on the bottoms of my feet. My teeth even feel different and whilst visiting my friend outside I wasn’t overwhelmed by the hot sun or the bright sunlight!
Courtney D.
You have no idea how much I appreciate your attention to me and to my questions!
Hope M.
Not only do I thank God for this pregnancy, but I am also so thankful for Herbal Baby, and Heather. Her genuine interest in my situation, and her genuine hope for our success, is strongly felt. She is truly someone that cares, and has taken her heart, and solid, researched knowledge and put it into Herbal Baby.
K. H.
Pat went in today based on your suggestion and the doctor already called and said his homocysteine level is through the roof at 32. Under 9 is the normal range. How did you know?
Amanda D.
YOU HAVE CHANGED MY LIFE!!!! OMG! I am so freaking excited that I found your information. I took your referral I have almost all of the symptoms of Binocular Vision Disorder. I had no idea TMJ and neck pain could be due to your eyes being misaligned! Thank you soooooo much for this information!
Victoria C.
What a beautiful, loving, encouraging no-judgment and no-preaching counsel…so beautiful!